Whenever we build a one-size-fits-all learning experience for all students to move through independently, we should think about how the learner will get personalized...
This post describes how I created a WebQuest using modern eLearning authoring tools, AI content generation, and streaming video.
We instructional designers are trained to think about learning objectives from the very beginning of a project, to design backwards from the outcomes we...
In my last post, I recommended using a password manager like LastPass to help you create strong, unique passwords for all of the different...
Friends and colleagues have been expressing doubt about entrusting their data to “The Cloud”, especially in light of the recent high profile attacks on...
Until I saw this TED talk, I didn’t care much that free Web 2.0 tools like Google and Facebook were collecting massive dossiers of...
One of the great strengths of Project-Based Learning (PBL) is that students learn the skills they need to successfully see a job through all...
In Cultivate Your Personal Learning Network Part I, you learned to find and organize information that will teach you, challenge your ideas, and help you...
A couple months ago I added a free, open source plugin to my Mac called f.lux that promises to relieve eye strain and insomnia...
If you haven’t heard of Chrome OS, it’s Google’s attempt to do away with the desktop altogether and have everything that happens on your...
This post discusses how to build your own Personal (or Professional) Learning Network. Instead of starting by telling you which tools to...
As part of our LMS Evaluation, we’ve investigated concerns around Instructure’s viability and longevity as a business. Recent events surrounding Blackboard should lead us...