Did You Know? A Simple Trick to Save Time and Improve Your Course Evaluations!
As faculty, you likely spend several hours every week carefully reading, evaluating, and grading student work. Research shows that students report higher course...
Whenever we build a one-size-fits-all learning experience for all students to move through independently, we should think about how the learner will get personalized...
This post describes how I created a WebQuest using modern eLearning authoring tools, AI content generation, and streaming video.
We instructional designers are trained to think about learning objectives from the very beginning of a project, to design backwards from the outcomes we...
As faculty, you likely spend several hours every week carefully reading, evaluating, and grading student work. Research shows that students report higher course...
Image by Tiago Daniel via Flickr “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration!” -Thomas Alva Edison “I discovered the meaning of life but I...
Image by macwagen via Flickr GSpell is a great little add-on for the Mac OS that basically uses the power of Google as a...
Image via Wikipedia In my literature classes, I found that one of the biggest challenges for students when they sit down to write a...