What WordPress Jetpack can Teach Instructure Canvas
Instructure Canvas is the new hotness in the LMS market, but for many it remains out of reach. For many schools who need an...
Whenever we build a one-size-fits-all learning experience for all students to move through independently, we should think about how the learner will get personalized...
This post describes how I created a WebQuest using modern eLearning authoring tools, AI content generation, and streaming video.
We instructional designers are trained to think about learning objectives from the very beginning of a project, to design backwards from the outcomes we...
Instructure Canvas is the new hotness in the LMS market, but for many it remains out of reach. For many schools who need an...
http://gty.im/162890895 The Social Media Status Quo is Broken Most people and businesses maintain several social media profiles, flitting from Facebook to Twitter to Instagram to LinkedIn (and...