Teachers: Use ChromeCast for Wireless Presentations on Desktop and Mobile

Google Chromecast and TV screen

Wireless Casting on any HD TV? Courtesy: Digital Trends

As a teacher and frequent presenter, I always carry a MacBook Pro DVI to VGA adapter in my bag so I can connect to any overhead projector or flat screen wherever I’m speaking. This approach works well, but has several downsides that the amazing $35 Google ChromeCast can improve upon:

  • I can’t easily switch between my laptop and my phone or tablet while presenting
  • Each different MacBook model uses a different adapter, making it hard to share between presenters
  • Switching presenters mid-meeting is awkward and time consuming

Now that the ChromeCast supports screen mirroring from your desktop, Android or iOS device, you can just carry one of these, plug it into the HDMI slot on the TV or projector, and connect to it over the WiFi from whichever device you want to show off. This makes it a handy tool for giving presentations on the fly, and a viable alternative to all the dongles and cords that teachers use now.

And the great thing about a ChromeCast is that multiple people can easily share the ChromeCast screen wirelessly by just pressing the “Cast” button on the app they want to show. This can speed transitions between different presenters, keeping the momentum of your presentation flowing.

This is just one of the many awesome tricks that I’ve discovered with the ChromeCast. Another one that’s been very valuable as I’ve made the transition to working from home is the ability to quickly Cast a browser tab to my living room TV.  I can watch Lynda.com videos in HD while I take notes on my laptop, or speed read articles from a relaxed physical position.

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Ted Curran is a Learning Experience Designer/Developer for Autodesk. He is committed to empowering educators and learners to create transformational change through effective pedagogy and technology integration. You can follow Ted on Mastodon, LinkedIn or learn more at my 'About" page. These thoughts are my own.

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