Planning a Complex Project with FoldingText and Markdown MindMaps
I recently started planning a three-day live training event with a colleague, in which we had to design several active learning experiences, with the...
Clip, organize, store, sync, and display your chord sheets using free and open source tools. This workflow is years in the making, now perfect.
I was lucky enough to grow up during the 1980s heyday of Choose Your Own Adventure stories, a low-tech precursor to the electronic branching...
Alfred is my #1 favorite productivity tool for the Mac, and over the years I have developed some ferocious tricks to support the tasks...
I recently started planning a three-day live training event with a colleague, in which we had to design several active learning experiences, with the...
The open source writing tool Twine bills itself as an “Interactive Fiction” authoring program – a way for people to make text-based choose-your-own-adventure games...
Sometimes a big part of the job of Instructional Design involves simply copy/pasting information from one format or platform to another. I’m working on...
Most LMSes have a “Discussion Forum” tool that you can add into any course unit, and even make it a graded assignment in the...
I have long been a fan of the project, a collection of open source learning objects written completely in HTML5 technologies to add...
I’ve long been a believer that teachers should explore open source edtech tools as an alternative to all the free, freemium, ad-supported, and privacy-invading...
Instructure Canvas is the new hotness in the LMS market, but for many it remains out of reach. For many schools who need an...
Pingendo is a free, visual page builder site, letting you use Twitter Bootstrap design elements to build professional-looking pages. You construct a page using...
I was just discussing free screencasting tools with some fellow Instructional Designers, and realizing how many of the most commonly-used apps like Screencast-O-Matic are...
I wanted to drop in a quick plug for familiarizing ourselves with the Mozilla Web Literacy Standards and 21st Century Skills. Though edtechies have lots of...