Good MF’ing Online Learning
Every so often, I go visit this website for inspiration: It starts with the text This is a motherfucking website. And it’s...
Whenever we build a one-size-fits-all learning experience for all students to move through independently, we should think about how the learner will get personalized...
This post describes how I created a WebQuest using modern eLearning authoring tools, AI content generation, and streaming video.
We instructional designers are trained to think about learning objectives from the very beginning of a project, to design backwards from the outcomes we...
Every so often, I go visit this website for inspiration: It starts with the text This is a motherfucking website. And it’s... The Social Media Status Quo is Broken Most people and businesses maintain several social media profiles, flitting from Facebook to Twitter to Instagram to LinkedIn (and...
A longtime friend, colleague, and collaborator of mine who works in new teacher education is starting a blog, and asked me for some help...
I am by no means an SEO expert, but I have learned a few tricks about driving meaningful traffic to my blog,
Lost your job? Put down that remote and listen here! Burrowing a groove in your couch is not getting you any closer to that...
Image by solbronumberone via Flickr This is a presentation I made to help my Beast Bloggers’ Support Group create a Content Plan for their...
Everyone loves Firefox because there are so many great user-created Add-Ons that make your web browser into much, much more. Add-ons allow you to...
Image by eyesplash Mikul via Flickr I have been interested in using blogging software to create online learning communities for a while now. This...
Image by Daniel F. Pigatto via Flickr I have spent my whole teaching career in small, high tech charter schools, and I have seen...
Image via CrunchBase Zemanta is a Firefox plugin that scans your blog posts for keywords, then suggests links, images, and tags to complement your...